Showing posts with label colorful junk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colorful junk. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Singularly Stupid Deluge of Dinosaur Selfies

The town of Drumheller, Alberta is famous for being the home of the Royal Tyrrell Museum, a huge paleontology museum dedicated to the fossils of Canada (and beyond). There are lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of extinct chickens (aka dinosaurs) in Canada, so there are lots of dinos at the Royal Tyrrell, SO THERE ARE LOTS OF (really weird) DINOSAUR STATUES IN DRUMHELLER AND WE TOOK SELFIES WITH THEM ALL*!!!!!

Enjoy the photo montage of ridiculousness that ensues when two mammal paleontologists are vacationing in Canada. Or skip this post and come back in like 2-6 months when we finally write something new and/or meaningful again.

You know you want to see the rest of this dumbfuckery.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

14 Days of Genitals, Day 5: Blue Balls to the extreme

Male Vervet Monkeys have blue testicles. And if the number of google images with them staring in bewilderment at their own nuts is any indication, they are as disconcerted by them as we are.
Wait, WHAT?